Daddy had the weekend off for the first time since April and we were loving it!
Christian could hardly stand it he was so excited when he found out daddy was going to be home for two whole days! The boys played LOTS of baseball and I've gotta tell you (okay so I'm totally biased) Christian is getting pretty good. I'm amazed at how well he actually hits the ball.

And look at that new glove Daddy gave him! He is so proud of it!

Daddy gave us our very own fireworks show on Saturday night. This is really the first time we've done them this year.

You might think
McKenna was scared - Oh no she wasn't. Look at her clapping! She loves fireworks and giggles and claps the whole time.

And to think...this wasn't even one of Ryan's
good displays, he saves those for our
Thanksgiving trip to Illinois.

And this little girl adores her daddy and her daddy feels the same way about her!
Praise God...fireworks season is over! We survived another year!

You made it through Judy!!!! I'm jealous of your fireworks show - we had so much fun with ours this year, that I wish we had an endless supply and could do it again at Thanksgiving!!!
Looks like so much fun! How many dads can give their very own firework show for their kiddies? What a great father he is!
I'm glad you, Christian and McKenna have Ryan back! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Bryson just saw the fireworks pics and said our Dad hasn't done a show like that yet! I bet Adam will be up for the challange. :)
So glad to hear Ryan finally got a weekend off and ya'll had such a great time. Your kiddos look like they really enjoy spending time with their daddy!
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