Monday, July 27, 2009

"It's a BEE day again"

As I've mentioned before HERE, Christian is very cautious. He follows all the safety rules and if I deem something unsafe he has no interest in trying to defy me. He wears his bike helmet religiously and that's why you find the occasional picture of him wearing his helmet when it's not even necessary.
But something sad happened last week. Christian and PopPop were hiking in the woods at my parent's house and Christian got stung twice by yellow jackets. Just in case you don't know, Yellow Jackets hurt bad! Honey bees don't have much of a sting, but yellow jackets, hornets and wasps don't mess around.

This is a picture of a Yellow Jacket (you can see how it gets it's name) and Christian got stung on his knee and right on the corner of his mouth. PopPop had to carry him, as he screamed his head off, all the way to the house. He pretty much cried for the next hour as I held ice packs and cool cloths on his bee stings.

And now we have a new problem. Our backyard has clover all over it, which bees love. So every day Christian walks outside, spots a bee and comes running back into the house saying "It's a bee day again. I guess I have to stay in. I'm not going outside with those bees."

He will NOT go outside if he sees any bees. He's terrified of them and I guess I don't blame him, but we've got to get over this at some point. So we're keeping the grass/clover mowed really short and I'm hoping the memory of what happened will fade.


Millicent said...

poor thing! that happened to Wyatt one summer that we were in MS...he was trying to vacuum a bee with a bug got him! It took quite a while for him not to be terrified of anything flying. Eventually he got over it, and i'm sure Christian will. But I wouldn't count on it being this summer!

Katy said...

oh no - stung by the mouth? That's AWFUL!! my boys (david and jacob that is) were NOT happy about their stings a while ago - i know they hurt like the dickens! hopefully you won't have many more "bee days!"