Friday, July 17, 2009

When your kid has a stomach bug when do you start to worry?

I start to get worried about right now! Christian has the same stomach virus that McKenna had last week. Yes indeedy, we've been dealing with this for over a week. Anyway, he's probably thrown up 15 times or more in the last 22 hours. Four of which just took place in the last hour. He told me he can't talk right because his mouth is so dry, but he did just use the bathroom so he can't be too dehydrated. He's begged for a drink all night and even this morning but he throws up even when I just give him a tiny little ice chip in his mouth. He did go to the bathroom and sneak a drink of water this morning, but at least he told me he did it as he was throwing it back up. Poor guy. He's been absolutely dear the last 24 hours. So sweet, never complained once, just wants to be with me. Daddy even got kicked out of bed last night and Christian slept with me which was good since we had a few throw up episodes throughout the night.
So back to the question...when do you get worried? Should I be worried? Every kid goes through this right? I think I just get rattled because Christian had the rotavirus when he was 9 months old and it was bad. Really bad and we ended up in the hospital for that one.
Please pray for Christian. He needs it!


Katy said...

praying for christian and YOU too! Ugh. My kids have never had a virus like that. david claims it's because he has an iron stomach (NEVER thrown up in his life - seriously), so the kids have only thrown up once or twice. throwing up that much would worry me a bit - especially with the dehydration. with the fact that you're heading into the weekend, you may want to see your ped. today instead of hitting the ER this weekend!

Alicia said...

I think it seems like a good sign that he is still hydrated... but I agree that if you like your ped, you should try to get in, or at least call! I am a paranoid Mom.... Good luck!

Becki S said...

I'd call your pediatrician. Sometimes they'll prescribe a Phenergan suppository that will reduce the vomiting or even stop it if you're lucky. It causes drowsiness which is also good. I bet Christian's exhausted by now. You, too!!

Courtney said...

bailey tends to be the one that gets to the point where i always get worried. pinch his skin...that's one of the should pop right back into place. if it doesn't, he's dehydrated (that's what one of the nurses told me one time when i called...) and if he's peeing, that's GOOD! i KNOW it's awful...but, yes, they go through it and live and recover WAY more quickly than us! :-) praying for you!