Thursday, March 3, 2011


Proverbs 16:9 "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." I always have a plan (that shouldn't surprise anyone!!)! I have been planning the birth of our little boy for the last 9 months. I had some very concrete ideas about exactly how I thought things would go and today the plan changed big time. And I'm realizing the truth of what Proverbs 16:9 says...I can have all the plans I want, but God is going to determine my steps and he's in control of the birth of Baby Chatt - not me! Yesterday my ultrasound estimated that Baby Chatt is 10lbs 4oz! Holy cow- big baby boy!!! And that's an estimate that could be off by a pound. So that means he's between 9lbs 4oz and 11lbs 4oz. The upper end of that estimate scares me to pieces and the lower end of that estimate doesn't seem that great either. So Ryan and I met with my doctor today and reluctantly agreed to deliver by c-section. Based on my birth history with Christian (which is not good) and based on the size of this baby, a c-section seems like the safest route. Ryan and I talked about Christian's birth and we both agreed that knowing what we know now we would have absolutely chosen to have a c-section with him had we known how close we were going to come to loosing him. We never ever want to repeat Christian's birth. So here's the plan!!! I'm scheduled for a c-section bright and early on the morning of March 10th!! I don't think I'll actually make it to March 10th because I've been having about 1 or 2 contractions an hour for the last 24 hours and I can't imagine that I'm going to keep that up for another week. So I have a feeling we'll be having this boy sometime in the next 3 days (that's just a hunch). Even if I go into labor on my own, I will have a c-section. So pray for me. I'm a nervous wreck!! I wish they would just knock me out and wake me up when it's over....okay not really :)


Vicky said...

Dear Judy,
Praying that you have peace about the C section. When I had delivered Matt by C section in 1976, the Lord gave me Psalm 29:11. "The Lord gives strength to His people; He blesses His people with peace." Strength and peace that all is well is my prayer for you. Matt told me about a study done on babies delivered by C section. They have found that the majority of them are fearless (the theory is that since they didn't go through the "trauma" of birth, they are more likely to be "risk takers"---proven true with Matt and his stepping out in faith over and over again in Cambodia:)

Suzanne Chatterton said...

Praying that you can be at peace with this decision. Praying for a safe and comfortable delivery and a happy, healthy Mom and Baby C.! We can't wait! Aunt Sue and Uncle Rod

Millicent said...

so even if you go tonight they'll still do a c-section? I didn't catch on to that today...definitely praying! Maybe you'll go in the middle of the night and have him so fast that Ryan will have to deliver him and everything will be just perfect...wouldn't that be a fun story!!! ;)

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Obviously, having a C-section is the safest thing for both you and this sweet baby boy. I pray that the Lord gives you lots of peace and things proceed smoothly. Can't wait to see pictures of Baby boy Chatt!

the mccollums... said...

praying for you, friend! 10lbs. :) Wow...I can't wait to see pictures of him. Everything is going to be great.

Heather said...

Sounds like a great plan! Bringing home a healthy baby is the best plan!

Becki S said...

You've been praying for wisdom, so now we'll pray that you have peace about the decision. Will be thinking of you over the next few days especially! If you have any questions, I'm here!

Heidi said...

Praying for you friend!

Katy said...

They want what is the best thing for you and Baby Boy. Rest in that decision,and know that when you get home with him in your arms, you'll just be glad he's out!!! Will be praying in the meantimethough - I know it's hard to shift your thinking!! Love you guys!

Julie and Chris said...

We will be thinking about you:)

Lisa said...

Can't stop thinking about you!

Amber said...

Praying for you Judy and sweet Baby Boy (can't wait to hear his name!) Hang in there... the last few days of pregnancy are definitely the toughest!