I've got a fever, which is never good after a c-section.
And a mysterious sharp pain in my right abdomen.
And some other symptoms that you don't want to hear about (trust me)!
The doctor wanted to see me right away.
Thankfully he wasn't alarmed.
So I'm on the watch and wait plan.
The call us if......this, this or this happens...plan.
I would love a nap,
but that would mean an unsupervised 3 year old.
Thank goodness Will is adorable and worth all the fuss he's created!

We will be praying for you, dear sister. Love, Vicky
oh NO!!! what's with the sharp pain? I have had a few friends who had to have their gall bladders removed shortly after having a baby - is it that kind of pain? I'll be praying!
Please call if you need us. Do you need help tomorrow (Wed)? I work for a bit (10-12:30)and then have a long break until later in the day. Don't hesitate... especially if you need me to watch the kids so you can lay down. I would be happy to.
Oh now...I hope you didn't overdo it this morning! Now I feel terrible for not making you sit on the bed and rest while I was taking the photos! I hope you are feeling better soon.
Praying for you! Hopefully you will watch and wait and not have to call. If I can help at all, let me know. Most of my days are free.
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. Happy Birthday!
Just reading those... email me and let me know what is going on and how things are. I spiked a fever after my c-sect and had a few unmentionable things happen as well. Things you just want to forget but can't. Just know I am praying for you every morning when I rise and every time you cross my mind... which is a lot!!
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