Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yes I did

back over Christian's new bike with my car!
It was not one of my prouder moments, but in my defense it's only the second thing I've run over.
Anyone remember Emma's booster seat?
I still remember that {CRUNCH} .
I know, now your all scared to let your kids come to my house.
Thankfully the bike is just a bit scuffed up and it really needs a new seat, but that can be fixed.
Chrish was a great sport about it and told everyone at VBS that I ran over his bike.


Heidi said...

Oh no! Glad to hear the bike somewhat survived!! I just realized today that Tanyon has the same bike. I was going to say that Christian's would be much prettier than ours though, but maybe now they'll match. :)

Brennan Blog said...

Gosh! That made me LOL! Glad it isnt a total loss!

Anonymous said...

Christian will have to get insurance on his bike...lol. Thankful that it wasn't total, just a minor repair.

Have a blessd week.


Katy said...

I've run over a scooter before...but in defense of mommies everywhere, bikes aren't supposed to be left in the driveway!!!

Christine said...

Hey - at least it wasn't a child or someone's pet. If you're going to run over something it might as well be a bike ... even if it is new. :)

the mccollums... said...

Oh no...somehow I am sure that most moms do this once in their lifetime of being a mom.

anthonyandbeth said...

shortly after we moved to NC i was in a panic to run grab something from the store before we were having some guests over...first guests coming over and all...at our new house in NC Anthony had started parking on the opposite side of the driveway than he used to in VA. my mind was in automatic and i backed out like i usually did in VA and backed right into his car! AHHH! i will never forget that crunch. no REAL damage but his passenger door screeches when opened and closed, big scuffs on the front, and the air makes a funny noise (my car was fine. :)) i felt TERRIBLE! but in my defense, he should not have started parking on the opposite side of the driveway. :)