4:09 pm
My realtor tried to get in touch with me to tell me that there was a showing at 7pm.
I was picking up Emma and Abby from playdates and I was busy socializing and not answering my phone that was on vibrate.
Ryan finally gets in touch with me as I'm standing in Goodwill trying to come up with a costume for VBS this week.
In a complete panic I abandon all thoughts of VBS and quickly run out of the store.
I arrive home and begin to hyperventilate while ordering everyone around, including my poor sister who arrived at the wrong moment to pick up her kids. She ended up cleaning the kitchen, while Abby babysat McKenna and Emma accomplished an endless list of tasks.
Ryan calls to tell me that I've got an extra 30 minutes. The showing is now at 7:30.
Ryan comes home and begins to string trim the front yard.
The house looked great so I begin to mow the backyard.
I start seeing stars and almost pass out. It occurs to me that I haven't had a thing to drink in the last 7 hours and I've been mowing in 85 degree heat.
We pull out of the driveway just as the realtor pulls up.
Off to McDonalds for some orange juice (that was the only thing that sounded good at the moment)
We arrive at the duck pond to have a picnic dinner with our McDonalds. And daddy heads out of town for business.

The showing is over so we head home.
We get out the bikes and scooters and start playing in the driveway.
Then my neighbor from down the street stops by with a few friends. Her friends are interested in our house and they ask if they can see it.
Oh sure, why not?
House showing #2 begins, except this time I'm the one who's showing it.
The whole situtation threw me off a little bit and I totally forgot that Christian's big birthday present was hidden in the crawl space. Christian takes our guests into the crawl space to show them around and all the sudden I hear "What is this new bike doing in here?"
Ahhh...His birthday present surprise is ruined. I snap at him and tell him to get out of the crawl space NOW.
House showing #2 ends and it's time for me to make things right.
I shouldn't have snapped. Getting a new bike is supposed to be fun, not something you feel bad about for finding accidentally ahead of time.
McKenna's asleep and Christian thinks he's about to go to bed too.
Notice the unsuspecting boy below.
Notice the unsuspecting boy below.
I bring Christian's new bike in the house and he's thrilled! He rode it around and around the family room.
I'm sad that daddy wasn't there to give Christian his bike too, but I was confident that I made the right decision in giving it to him early. It was a happy time, as it should be. He was shocked that I let him ride his bike in the house. And he was so proud of it.

We call daddy to tell him the good news that Christian got a new bike.
He was a little confused at first as to why I gave Christian his new bike at 10:00 at night without him there to see it, but I explained and he agreed that poor Chrish shouldn't go to bed feeling bad that he found his present. It was more important that it was a happy moment and it was!
Wow! He looks so grown up on the bike. When Cait and I (yes, she's home!) saw the pictures we both said "awww" at the same time.
Of course, I was laughing at the time of events...more the time than the events. Well, you only turn 4 once.
Have a blesse day
oh my---what a whirlwind! Christian really looks older in these pictures. It's the first time i've noticed that...watch out, though. He'll be 7 before you know it :(
did you hear back from either of the interested parties?
oh my what a DAY!!!
somehow i missed this post the other day and now have put two and two together. :) What a cool looking bike...you did the right thing, but what a day for sure!!
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