For 2 days now these children have been obedient! We work on obedience ALL THE TIME! It's constant and rather exhausting for me to continually be teaching and training them, but there is some reward and I've been seeing that the last two days. We have a long way to go and definitely still struggle with the "obey with a happy heart" part of this, but they're learning. I saw some instant obedience out of Nathan today that was really great!

So today we all ventured out! This is how my cart looks as we travel through Target! Everyone finds a spot and hangs on. You'll notice my cheerful son there on the right hand side of this picture (
haha) he did not want his picture taken or his hair combed.

Can you spot

I love our Chick-
fil-a play area, although we never go there! Today we went just to play (not eat)!

These two were exhausted and sweaty by the time we left! And everyone played
sooooo nicely!
McKenna loved it and screamed when I picked her up and put her back in the stroller!

My favorite picture of the day! God has given this little man some real joy deep down in his heart!

Abby is such a good "big sister" as she likes to call herself!

And then we headed to
Sams Club! We didn't buy those giant stuffed animals but they did provide great entertainment while we were there.

Someone talked me into buying these, although I have a feeling it didn't take much convincing! We were having a very obedient day and good things happen when you're obedient!

Yup, she liked it!

When Nate took a bit of his he said "Wow, they are good." As if he couldn't tell that just by looking at them!

He's the one who spotted them from the cart!

Oh so adorable! And just so you know, I probably appreciate all your hard work with them more than anyone. You bless me by blessing them. And I appreciate you so much.
Those cookies DO look so YUMMY!!! :) I'm so glad that you had a great day of should teach them that song from when we were kids O-B-E-D-I-E-N-C-E...I think it comes in my head everytime I have to write the word.
Yeah!! Isn't it great to have good days where you see the progress of the kiddos! It's that special fuel for the Mommy's tank. Glad you had a great day, I'm personally glad to have this one over because my boys struggled today.
Praise God for 1st Time Obedience with a cheerful heart. I'm still working on it in many areas of my life...can I come to your house?
I agree...those cookies do look yummy.
So glad every one was so obedient. You are a much braver women than I. I don't think I would even consider taking out all those kids. I do my shopping while Gracey is at school, so that I only have one.
I don't know what is wrong with me, but that makes me cry!! :)
I don't know how you do it!! I babysat my friend's little I had two 3yr. olds and a 19 month old...and of course...they ALL fell asleep in the car!! I had no idea what I was going to do!!! Then Jake and the baby woke up as I was getting them out of the van...I was sort of happy as that solved my problem.
Oh, I need to know how you teach this because I have 2 VERY wild and crazy kids that do not want to listen today!!
it's such a blessing to have a day like that - it's like the Lord knows we need some kind of tangible encouragement that ALL the hard work is paying off!! Our day was very full today with an extra kid, a doctor's appointment for me, david's last teaching day, and a house showing tonight (VERY PRAYERFUL!!!). God gave me a wonderfully smooth morning - Callie happily played and read books on her own for almost an hour which enabled me to get all my floors cleaned! Happy hearts all around!
It is amazing to me to see McKenna playing on the equipment with the "big kids". She is growing up so fast!
We keep praying for Jesus to work in the hearts of all of our precious grandchildren, AND HE IS!!
Love, Grandmom
those cookies look delicious!
i had to do a double take of the picture with abby helping mckenna in the play place, it looks like emma so much there! and the hair looks dark too. love that place, and i always enjoy a treat there when i travel on down further south :)
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