Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Uh - oh!

I think I've got a fever! I found myself using my inhaler a lot today and I haven't had to do that in months. I really hope I'm not coming down with whatever McKenna's been dealing with. I think she's finally better! She cut a huge molar today and I know that's been part of her problem. Now all four are visible and working their way out! I hope that's it for teething for awhile. The teething has created a horrible cycle with her. Teething=runny nose= ear infection= chest congestion =respiratory issues=and so on and so on!
I've got great pictures to post from today, but it will have to wait for another time when I feel better! We really had a great day! Lots of time outside! Lots of special friends!
Well, I've gotta go put McKenna to bed. I know- it's 10pm - but this is what I do sometimes just to get her to sleep through the night. That girl just doesn't need much sleep. If I put her to bed at 8:00pm she would be up for the day at 5am. I just can't have that! I did that for too many years when I taught! I refuse to get up before 7:30 these days (and sometimes I don't even do that)! I am NOT a morning person, but I could stay up til midnight just lurking on blogs. Awful isn't it :)
Good night! I'll have pictures tomorrow!


Heidi said...

Hope your feeling better in the morning! We had lots of fun with you guys today!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

I just wanted to tell you that your comment to the McClenahans was just beautiful.

It brought me to tears and struck a chord with me. I will think about that again and again.

Lori said...

I heard that the pollen count is really, really high. I hope that is what is causing you problems and you are not getting sick!! I'm fighting it, too!! I wish we would have been able to come and play today, but maybe another day!! :) Can't wait to see the pics!!

Alicia said...

I am so happy to hear there is another "non-morning" person out there --sometimes I feel so guilty when I feel like bribing my children to just sleep for twenty more minutes!