Here we go...the long awaited birth story post! This might be the longest post I've ever written, but I want to remember all the details (so this is mainly just for me). You all wanted a belly shot and you've got one. That's me (with no make-up...I can't even believe I'm posting that) on the morning of Will's birth. I got up around 4:30am. Ryan had been up since 3am, he couldn't sleep. I had decided the night before that I wanted to wake up late, so I would have to rush and not think about what was about to happen. And I kept telling Ryan I didn't want to get to the hospital early so I was delaying our departure as much as possible. It was pouring down rain and took us forever to get there, so we were a good 20 min. late.

They were waiting for us when we got there. Oops...I guess we should have been on time! Ryan got in his scrubs.

This is the last pregnant picture of me. They wasted no time starting IVs (In my right wrist, which ended up being a huge mistake. I should have spoken up because I'm right handed), getting blood pressure, monitoring the baby, and filling out tons more paperwork. They got everything started at 5:50am and the next hour was a whirlwind of activity. By 7:15 I was starting to feel funny. I was so nervous and the IV fluids were cold and my whole body started shaking which only added to my anxiety. I wish I could tell you that I felt peace about the whole thing, but I did not. I was a nervous wreck! At 7:30am sharp, I walked into the OR. Now why on earth didn't anybody tell me that the operating table was only about 18 inches wide and that they sort of tip you on your side and you truly feel like you're about to roll off onto the floor? And then there was the crowd of people in the room. I guess I was expecting four people or something, not twelve! My midwife came in to check on me and I almost cried. She was so reassuring and stayed with me until they made sure the spinal block worked (remember?? that was my big worry). Then she left and Ryan came to sit next to me. I was starting to loose my composure at this point. It was all just very overwhelming. I guess I should have thought through what I was going to do or think about while I was laying there listening to them operate on me, but I had not thought about that. So I did the first thing that popped into my mind; I started quoting Psalm 23 outloud over and over again. It's rather long and you have to think about what you're saying, so I had to focus on that verse. And with my eyes closed I pictured green pastures and still water.

The next thing I knew I heard Will scream. He came out screaming and screaming and screaming!! WooHoo!!! Everyone started commenting about how big he was and they were all guessing about 10lbs. Ryan immediately went to check him out and I laid there and cried and cried and whispered "Thank you Jesus" over and over again.

I got a quick peek at Will and then Ryan and Will headed out of the OR. The next 15-20 minutes were unpleasant. As soon as Will was born they started putting a bunch of different drugs in my IV. They made me feel super dizzy. I must have asked 20 times "how much longer." But then it was over. From start to finish it only took 40 minutes, which I think is pretty remarkable.

I got to head back to the room and my mom was already even there getting her first look at her new grandson.

William Ryland Chatterton
9lbs 10oz

Will's first picture with Dad while I was still in the OR.

More snuggle time with Daddy!

Then Will got his first bath.

Grandmom Brinkley with her fourth grandson!

Around lunch time Mimi brought the big brother and sister to meet Will.

McKenna's first time holding Will.

Notice how Christian is taking pictures with his DSi. I had to confiscate that thing before he left because he took all kinds of horrendous pictures of me that I had to delete :)

Will gave McKenna a present, a new movie!

And Will gave Christian a Wii game. Christian was pretty thrilled and it was a good purchase...it's kept him quite busy since I've been home from the hospital.

The big kids got coloring books from the hospital and McKenna went right to work.

Christian's first time holding Will.
The kids came to visit twice on Will's birthday. They came at lunch time and then at dinner time. They were so excited and I'm thankful they got to be a part of this special day for our family.

I only spent two nights in the hospital and then it was time to go home! I'm always so excited to get home because I NEVER sleep well at the hospital!

The whole family was waiting for us on the front porch as we drove in the driveway! Emma ran out to meet us!

And this was the scene when we got in the house. Hilarious!!!

Welcome home sweet boy!! We are thrilled that God gave you to our family!

Wow, what a post! I love reading all the details and for the record I have been waiting for the birth day story to get posted. Thanks fro sharing Will's story with us. Love you!
i LOVE hearing the WHOLE story - thanks for getting it on here for us to read. What a sweet boy. Totally hilarious that Christian was taking pictures with his DSI - that cracks me up. Oh - and Super Mario Bros. is a favorite with the boys around here! :)
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