Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bring On the CANDY!

Thankfully we had a family Easter Egg hunt yesterday because today is rainy and yucky and our Easter Egg Hunt at church was canceled! Look closely at these pictures because Nate and Chrish are wearing matching shirts. It's easy to mix them up :) But I do love matching. I guess I'm going to have to have a third kid so I can make somebody match (did I really just say I wanted an 3rd child?)

Eggs were everywhere!

Just minutes before the egg hunt was about to start Nate lost his Easter egg basket. Ugh...seriously how can that happen? Everyone else was lined up at the sliding glass door about to break free and Nate was crying because he didn't know where his basket was. So we all looked everywhere and couldn't find it. How does one lose an Easter basket? So we improvised and he ended up using his Cars tin lunchbox. He didn't care and the Easter basket turned up at some point later in the day. I still don't know who found it or where it was! Ha! Am I on top of my game or what!?!?!

Can you spot all FIVE? They're all there! Look carefully because that's the only picture of Emma I ended up with. I guess that's because I wasn't following her around giving hints about where to look for eggs. She could have easily rounded up all the eggs by herself, but she is fair and did a good job of helping the boys. Nate was way more interested in eating the candy than finding it, so Emma kept finding eggs and giving them to him.

Apparently it was too much work to actually carry the basket!

Yummy - Peeps!
McKenna was right out there with them!

And this picture was taken right before the accident. They were having so much fun playing together and chasing each other. Then Abby joined the chasing and the boys decided they were going to capture her. The next thing I knew the boys ran smack into each other. The "CrACk" I heard from their heads hitting was quite concerning. It was the kind of "CrACk" that resulted in a call to daddy, a text to Aunt Mimi and me shining a flashlight in their little pupils. They both ended up sprawled on the ground screaming and crying. Somehow I scooped them both up and they wiped their snot on me for the next 15 minutes as they grew their own little "Easter eggs" on their foreheads.

Thank goodness for Thomas ice packs and Booboo Duckies (Nate preferred NOT to be pictured). And that concluded our egg hunt! Chrish has a pretty decent knot/bruise on his head even today. Nate's was covered by hair, so he'll still look cute for his Easter pictures! Oh the drama ;)

1 comment:

Katy said...

it's all fun and games until someone busts their heads open, right? i'm a HUGE fan of matching clothes, so i love the boys' shirts! :)