Oh the glee in our house this morning when Christian realized his "mail box" was filled with treats. I could tell that he really felt special that both sets of grandparents, Aunt Mimi, Emma, Abby, Nate and Mommy and Daddy all gave him special things for Valentines day. (Make sure you notice that he even painted a train track on the top of his mailbox and his letter "c" is right below it).

And here's one of my favorite Valentines in the whole world. She took a super long nap today which was so nice. I didn't get a good picture of her in her adorable Valentine outfit, so you're just going to have to believe me...it was cute (thanks Jenn)!

Christian had a whole box of these Valentines and he put his "name" (basically his letter 'c') on the back of each one, then he hide them all around the house for daddy to find. So fun and daddy was such a good sport. He acted shocked every time he pulled one out of each of his shoes and when he couldn't put his cell phone in it's case because
something was in there. Christian giggled and hid all of them, then daddy found all of them and then they did it all over again.

We never have any big plans for Valentine's Day. We went to Lowe's to look at new counter tops (I had a small kitchen fire -long story that you probably would be amused to hear sometime- almost 2 years ago and I've been living with a burned counter ever since).

Then it started snowing, which was very exciting!

Then we went to my favorite place, Target!

And the snow kept coming!

McKenna was thrilled!

When we got home it was time for "family time." Ryan and I don't do presents on Valentine's Day. We don't even go out to eat (unless you count McDonalds. McKenna had her first McD's french fry tonight). We've decided to make Valentine's Day a family day.

So we get a family present.

We have the original Candy Land board game and it's been a huge hit, so we got this Candy Land Castle Game. It was fun. I remember trying to find a game that I thought we could play with Christian when he was two and this would have been perfect. It's a great game for three year olds too. Definitely an easy pre-school family game. I think Abby, Nate and Christian will be able to play it by themselves, it's that easy and fun too. Christian kept winning over and over again and we weren't even trying to let him.
Happy Valentine's Day to each of you! I hope you know how much you're loved. Even if it wasn't the perfect day for you just know that your Heavenly Father adores you. He knows the number of hairs on your head, your name is inscribed on the palm of His name, He says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, You are made in His image and He loved you so much that He sent his only son into this world NOT to condemn the world...but to save the world. He loves you and wants to spend eternity with you.
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

I loved these pictures!
that is so cute that Christian put a train track on his mailbox. I will never forget when Wyatt started doing that....EVERYTHING he colored or drew had at least a small train track on it. He still likes to draw them!
what a fun Valentine's day with the family...so cute. I loved the fact that you had your camera on hand to document the whole day. :) You are always thinking about us bloggers in blog-world. I loved Christian's mail-box...cute, cute.
We love you. Happy Valentine's Day. Thank you for the beautiful special card you made for us, Christian.
Love, Grandmom
Sophie has that same pink hoodie that Mckenna is wearing in her crib. Also, where did you get the shopping cart seat cover? That matches Sophie's stroller and carseat, except hers is green, not black. But, I have been looking for a cute cover for shopping carts, and I'd be interested in knowing where to find one like that. I'm not a fan of jungle themes and that's all I see at Toys R Us. :)
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