Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just a couple things

1. Ryan is having an MRI this morning! Those things are never fun, so pray for him at 11:00am EST if you think about it!
2. Click HERE if you want the Cora Playground button for your blog. Some people have asked.
3. Don't forget about the Jesse Tree if you signed up.
4. And did you think I forgot about the McCollums in Malawi drawing?? I haven't! I'll post more on that later, but in the meantime a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who gave!! The Bible says that "God loves a cheerful giver." Thanks for bringing a smile to His face and mine! And if you haven't entered the drawing it's not too late! We're almost halfway to our goal! I would love to be halfway there by the end of the day so CLICK HERE to check it out!
5. McKenna said "please" this morning for the first time. I know you're probably getting tired of hearing about each little milestone she reaches, but you've got to understand! This is huge! Christian didn't even say mama until he was two and he signed "please" for about 2 1/2 years before he ever said it! So naturally I'm just a tad excited that this is not an area of concern for McKenna!

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