Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Accident

It involved this car....

And this driver....

And this little girl who climbed in the car by herself and was not buckled...

And this is what happened....

And a little while later it looked like this...

And just for it is again...

And by 8:00pm last night it was looking even worse and I was actually starting to second guess myself, wondering if I should have had her checked out.
But today it's looking much better and she doesn't even seem to notice...
P.S. Just so you know, Nate did not get in trouble for this little mishap. I don't even think he realized that he had anything to do with McKenna getting hurt. In his mind it's her fault b/c she was standing up in her car. I just told him it was my fault b/c I wasn't watching McKenna like I should have been, and that's the truth. Although we are going to make up some new rules on Monday for when we are playing with McKenna outside. Everyone has gotten a little too wild with her when we're outside. They love to do the "under dog" with her in the swing and they love to have races with her in the driveway. None of that seems like such a good idea anymore.


Katy said...

Poor McKenna!! This is what happens once they start walking - it opens the door to a whole new world of accidents waiting to happen! :) I'm glad she's is the season of scraped up knees and elbows though!

Heidi said...

Poor McKenna! Oh the dangers our little ones have to face when bigger kiddos are around. Glad it wasn't any worse!

Christine said...

Poor McKenna! :( Caitlin told me this story when she got home and I felt so bad. McKenna seems to be doing ok now though so that's good. :)