Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thankful for you :) has your day been?
I know I'm thankful to be able to sit down with you and "chat" for a minute. I realized yesterday how much blog relationships can mean sometimes. There is a blog that I read of an amazing sister-in-christ who God has used to change my heart in so many ways. She's an adoptive mom and is passionate about serving the poor in the remotest parts of the earth. She has opened my eyes to the injustice of this world and she's made me realize that stay-at-home moms are a part of God's big plan to bring healing to the orphaned and oppressed. Anyway, this sweet girl received some tragic news yesterday and I felt my world stop. I cried and I prayed and I had a hard time sleeping....all because of this girl several time zones away. This "friend" that I only know through her blog. And it's renewed my passion for blogging. I think it's been healthy for me to get my feeling out sometimes and I thank you for putting up with it. It's a treasure to have all the little stories of my kid's childhood recorded forever. And blogging has brought me new bloggy friends, new real life friends and prayer partners on so many different occasions.
So I just wanted you to know that I'm thankful that you're here. Thanks for checking in and being a part of my life everyday. And to those of you who have blogs...I love checking in with each of you too. I've been really bad about commenting lately...but I'm still checking in. I'll get better about commenting when life calms down a little (whenever that will be)!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm not great at blogging or commenting these days either, but I check in with your blog everyday! I love seeing and hearing about your sweet, funny (fussy) children who I miss so much! Thank you for sharing your everyday life with all of us:)