Sunday, March 28, 2010

Imaginary Friend?

Did you have an imaginary friend when you were growing up? I didn't, but my sister had an imaginary dog named Whispy (I think that was his name??!!). She's always been the creative on. Me....not so much. Well, McKenna doesn't exactly have an imaginary friend, she's just obsessed with pretending that she's Abby. In this picture above, she's pointing to herself and telling me that she's Abby. I think she would actually like it if I started calling her Abby. It probably has something to do with the fact that whenever she puts on something new (like this bathing suit) she has learned that most of the time it was Abbys.
The other day I went in to get McKenna up from her nap and she had moved her pillows and was sleeping with her head at the opposite end of her bed. I asked her why she was sleeping like that and she said "I Abby." It took me a minute, but then I remembered that Abby has slept in McKenna's room with her and had been facing that same direction.
This little "I Abby" scenario has played out over and over in our house. Maybe I need to get Abby over here to help me potty train and get rid of that binkie!


Millicent said...

Too funny!! I didn't have one, and my kids haven't, but Natalie is always pretending to be some sort of animal!

Katy said...

that's so funny! i would totally use it to your best advantage..."Abby doesn't have a binkie....Abby knows how to go pee pee in the big girl potty" etc! If she's ready, then maybe that's just the nudge she needs! :)