Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Much You"

Those two words happen to be two of my favorite words on earth right now. You see, I always give McKenna a big hug and say "I love you so much" as I kiss her sweet little face. About a month ago she started doing the same thing to me except she would say "Much You" as she would hold my face in both of her sweet little hands. It took me awhile to figure out what she was saying and then it dawned on me...

"Much You" is her way of saying "I love you so much!"


Katy said...

that is TOO CUTE!!! you're going to be so glad you have it will be sad one day when she can say the phrase the right way.... much you! ilove that!

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute! That reminded me of when Anessa started trying to let us know she loved us...she would say "I You!"
Hope you are relaxing!

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute! That reminded me of when Anessa started trying to let us know she loved us...she would say "I You!"
Hope you are relaxing!