Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"Scream-fest" 2010

Welcome to "Scream-fest" 2010~
It's a fun place to be! Really it is. Let's see....it all started when McKenna woke up on Saturday morning with a high fever. She didn't feel good, so she started screaming. And so she screamed all day Saturday. Then she screamed all day Sunday. And she even screamed all day Monday.
I prayed and prayed last night that this morning would bring an end to the screaming...but so far she's screamed all day.
She's miserable. I'm miserable. Christian's miserable. And Daddy just escaped the screaming for a few days to deal with some work stuff far, far away. I begged him to take me with him :)
Now don't worry...I took McKenna to the doctor yesterday because I was convinced that something HAD to be wrong with her. She has bronchitis (which I already knew and she was already on meds for). I begged for some meds to knock her out, but my dear pediatrician wouldn't comply. Hmmmm....wonder why?
Honestly I think McKenna just feels bad so she wants to scream all the time.
She screams:
  • when she gets a breathing treatment
  • when she takes medicine
  • when I get up off the couch
  • when I try to make her eat something
  • when I give her a drink when she doesn't want one
  • when Christian gets too close to her
  • when the sun gets in her eyes
    when we go outside
  • when we go inside
  • when I put her to bed
  • when I wake her up
  • when her belly hurts
  • when she coughs
  • when her nose feels "sticky"
  • when I change her diaper
  • when I get her out of the bathtub
  • when she's cold
  • when she's hot
You get the idea!
I've been a mommy now for almost five years and I've never had a child act like this for such an extended period of time. The last time McKenna ate a meal was dinner on Friday night. Since then she's licked the jelly off her toast or eaten one bite of yogurt and had half a french fry. She doesn't even want a popsicle. So please pray that she'll turn the corner soon. I can't take much more of this!!!

Christian is starting to become a better patient, basically because I threaten him with more shots if he doesn't do his breathing treatments. He got (4) Rocephin shots last week. And it was bad. Really, really bad. But he won't orally take medicine, so he leaves me with no choice but to request the shots. He does his own breathing treatments now. He sucks his thumb the entire time, but as long as it's going in his nose I don't care! He used to be terrified of the nebulizer, so I'm proud of him. He's also trying to be a good big brother to McKenna even though every time he gets close to her she throws things at him and tries to hit him. Nice huh!?!

Hurry Spring!!!! I need you!!!!


Sarah Joy said...

I am praying, just praying!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well that just sounds awful. I am hoping everyone gets better soon. And praising the Lord we have been so healthy. Lindsey

Brennan Blog said...

So sorry Judy. I can't imagine the screaming. HAng in and pray (that is my g-mom's famous quote- she is 89!)

Anonymous said...

Calgon...take her away!!!
Seriously...I am praying for you!!!


Heidi said...

Oh Judy! I'm praying too for quick healing for the kids and for strength for you!!

Unknown said...

I have been praying on and off all day as the Lord bring your sweet little girl to mind. Love, Vicky

Katy said...

oh yuck - screaming makes me CRAZY!!! it's supposed to be sixty degrees all week here so we are LOVING getting to finally be outside again! by the way, any relief with mckenna's constipation? there was an article i read this week about miralax and it made me think of you...