This morning Nathan said, "Wow, this is cool. Christian and I have twin coughs." Meaning they both sound horrible with really bad coughs. So off to the doctor we went. Diagnosis: 2 Boys with bronchitis. Chrish got two antibiotic shots and after Nathan saw that he assured me that he would in fact drink his medicine!
So this is the scene...Chrish on the couch...McKenna being wild and Nathan coughing all over everyone, but acting just fine.
And then there's this girl who is looking very grown up today!
My, sharing "twin" coughs, how cute is that! Cute to say but not to do right? Praying for all of you... BTW how is the ever growing up McKenna doing.. tummy issues any better?
Is this bringing back memories of last year? You were at the doctor ALOT last year, what a difference you have this year. Hope everyone starts feeling better soon!
oh twin coughs - you have to smile at that one! and what's with mckenna looking like a BIGGGGGG girl in that cutie outfit!!!
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