Thursday, June 28, 2012

Simple yet powerful

Every night for the past two months I've been praying Psalm 89:1 for my kids. 
The actual verse says; "I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations."
But at bedtime they hear me say; "Dear Jesus, I pray that McKenna will sing of your great love forever. I pray that she will make known your faithfulness through all generations."

Simple words...powerful message.

By praying that your kids will make known God's faithfulness through all generations you are praying that:

  • they will be saved
  • they will walk with the Lord for the rest of their lives
  • the Lord will give them a long life
  • that your children's children will hear the truth about having a relationship with Jesus 
  • that a Christian heritage will be established in your family

 Put this verse on an index card by your child's bed. You'll have it memorized in just a few nights and before you know it your kids will have it memorized too. One day when they're grown I am certain that they will still remember their mom praying God's word for them and I pray that they will be blessed by it.

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