I have just been so busy! This is a crazy busy weekend. Tomorrow I'm teaching Sunday School in the morning and then a coupon class at night and both are taking tons of preparation. So my mind is occupied elsewhere.
I had a stomach virus on Thursday. Not fun, especially when your pregnant. Ugh. All my stomach muscles are killing me today, but I'm better.
Had an interesting doctor's appointment yesterday. So far this pregnancy I've gained 14 lbs and 5 of those pounds are baby. Yup, that's right. I have a five pound baby in me already. So I was given some "options." Right now I'm not making any decisions they are just going to monitor this little boy closely. I'm going to have a non stress test weekly, starting this week. And I'm scheduled for another ultrasound at the beginning of February to see if he is continuing to gain weight like crazy. I think I just have big boys. Christian was big, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Has anyone out there had an amniocentesis before?? I'd love to hear how it was. If I get induced early they will require that I have an amnio first. Sounds awful to me.
Talk to you sometime after tomorrow :)

No amnio here and was taken early. Two weeks early. I am praying for you. I got your email and thank you for all that info!!! It helped me a lot to organize my thought process.I will email back soon but for now just know I am praying for this decision for you! Love you.
I know this is a week later, :) But I had an amnio with my son, and I was soooo... scared, but it didn't hurt at all. It is very weird feeling that needle inside your belly, but it doesn't hurt. I had a lot of extra fluid, however so I was super huge. My son only weighed 7lbs but my belly was the size for triplets due to some complications. Hope everything goes well, and keep us posted! :)
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