Monday, April 18, 2011

You have got to be kidding....

What's worse than having no diet coke in your house??

Having a kid with a stomach virus throw up in your bed at 3 am.....

Having an infant wake up every two hours all night long....

Getting about maybe three hours of sleep (broken up all through the night).....

and then of course having no diet coke.

It's a pretty dire situation around here.

You should stay far far away

and be thankful that you're having a normal Monday morning.

UPDATE: My mom brought me some diet coke and some ginger ale and some of those Fever All suppositories for the poor boy throwing up (since medicine won't stay down). By the way, those Fever All things are great. If you have kids you should keep them in your house for times like this. Just ask for them behind the pharmacy counter.


Holly said...

I would bring you some diet coke in a heartbeat this morning, but (doesn't it figure), my car is in the shop today and so I'm stuck at home without a car. I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. I will pray that a diet coke (and some sleep) find their way to your home. Hang in there. And if you want me to bring dinner again this week, just let me know. I could do it on Wednesday or Thursday. Just let me know!

Anonymous said...

Insert coffee in place of diet coke and I'm with you. But yeah, the rest of those things sound awful! I hope everyone returns to good health and long sleeping soon. Anna

Anonymous said...

Praying for Christian for quick, full recovery. Love, Vicky