Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A few more from the photo shoot

It's hard to believe that these pictures were taken 2 weeks ago!

Honestly, it all seems like such a blurrrrr....

The days and nights all blend together and I pretty much spend most of my time attending to that sweet little boy.

I love the "look" he's giving in this picture. I think that's the look he gives his big brother and sister all the time.

The big siblings are still fascinated with him. They still want to touch him and kiss him all the time. He is definitely the rock star in this house!

Unfortunately, McKenna has been showing classic signs of "I'm the middle child." She was doing absolutely perfect with potty training until a few days ago. She still hasn't had any accidents, but she has decided that she likes diapers and screams and cries about how she doesn't want big girl undies. So it's been a battle. I didn't give in yesterday and made her wear big girl undies, so when it was time to go to the bathroom she went into Will's room, got in the closet and got out a pull-up. Put it on and then when to the bathroom in the Pull-up. Lord help me! That girl has a will! She has also given up naps in the last week. This is very poor timing considering I have never been so tired in my entire life. Twice now she has also asked me to rock her when I've been in the middle of nursing Will. So of course, I have to tell her that I'll rock her in a few minutes and in the meantime she sits at my feet and waits for her turn to be held. It's been making me sad that she's having a hard time adjusting. I know it's all perfectly normal but I think it caught me off guard that we're having issues 3 weeks after Will was born and not immediately after Will was born. I guess I should have thought about it a little more because of course it would happen now when our lives are beginning to get back to normal and the novelty of having a baby starts to wear off with her.

The last couple nights Will has gone for at least one 3 hour stretch between feedings. That's a relief to me. This boy loves to eat and has quite the double chin to prove it.

So that's the latest! The sun is out today!! Yipee. Just seeing the sun gives me more energy :)

Thanks again for the pictures Holly!

1 comment:

Katy said...

hang in there with mckenna. went through similar stuff with callie. try having a few special things that she can ONLY play with when you're feeding Will - a basket of a few books or toys or something that's only for when you're nursing...that may help. as for the panties - hold your ground on that one. what worked with callie is when i told her that babies don't get to watch any shows, and that if she wanted to go back to being a baby and wearing a pullup, then she was going to watch NO SHOWS!! that worked!! and no nap - callie dropped hers this year too - earlier than either boy, but i still make her have rest time in her room for at least an hour every day. she still will nap every once in a while (she's asleep now) but even if you can get an hour in her room, you can still catch a quick nap.