Thursday, December 30, 2010

Surprise, surprise....

My husband has the day off tomorrow. Apparently he told me earlier in the week, but since I don't remember that, this is a huge surprise for me. I'm so glad. I have a cough that is sounding worse by the minute and I know better than to let a cough get out of control when you are pregnant and have asthma. I'm hoping for a doctor's appointment tomorrow (we'll see if they can fit me in). We also have a couple dozen people coming over tomorrow night. I LOVE entertaining, but I also think I'm a little crazy considering I also don't have my Sunday School lesson planned for Sunday.

Off to bed I go!! So happy Ryan will be home tomorrow :)


Anonymous said...

Let me know if you need me. Take care of yourself.

Lisa said...

Ha! It sounds like you and Ryan communicate like Mike and I do! Hope you feel better... Happy New Year!