The kids always look forward to celebrating Christmas (during our Thanksgiving visit) in Illinois!

And we love getting a chance to celebrate with our cousins!
That's Zavier. He's McKenna's age and he did a great job sharing his toys with Christian and McKenna.

Does he look thrilled or what?? He was actually wishing for that Lightning McQueen race track! It's been played with a ton since we've been home!

McKenna loved her snuggly new bear with it's personalized blanket inside.

Grammy and Grampy gave Christian some special snacks for the car ride home!

And they gave him an air hockey table. Oh my word he thought he was so grown up!!! He loves to play and is actually very aggressive about it :) What a boy! This was such a great gift because he doesn't have anything like it!

McKenna got a new baby doll that pretends to eat bananas and drink juice. It's one of those Baby Alive babies and we asked her what she was going to name it and all of us were suggesting names. She kept telling us "no" whenever we mentioned a name, so I just dropped it. A few minutes later McKenna found me and told me that her name was going to be "Apple Dumpling." And that made perfect sense since this baby had apples on her shirt! So cute that she just needed to think about it for a few minutes before naming her! And she adores this baby and takes it everywhere with her. She loves to look at toy catalogs and find her in the magazine! I think she thinks Apple Dumpling is famous ;)
What I don't have pictures of are the awesome presents the kids got to open from Aunt Angel when they got home. I've got to get some pictures because Christian got a radio control 4-wheeler! Oh my word he adores it! He drives it inside and outside. It has working headlights on it, so you can even drive it in the dark! And McKenna got a set of baby gear that has just been perfect for "Apple Dumpling." She now has a bouncy seat, pack-n-play, booster seat and stroller!
Thanks so much to all our family in Illinois for being so generous to our children! They are most certainly blessed to have you in their lives!

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