Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Binkie Saga

Everytime I try to take the binkie away from McKenna something happens! Grrr....
Today is day (5) with no binkie (don't get too excited...she still has it at night...I value my sleep big time these days). But now my sweet girl is sick. Cough, congestion and she just woke up from her nap with a fever. Sheesh...this is frustrating. She wants it so bad, but I haven't given in yet. Part of me just wants to throw in the towel and let her have it because in the grand scheme of life, it doesn't really matter.
But on the other hand, it's time for her to grow up. I know she can do this and I think we need to do it NOW while we have Christmas as a distraction and long before the new baby arrives.
What would you do??? I've never had to do a binkie battle before!


Millicent said...

stay strong!!!! She'll be okay! Good Luck! Once she is past it then it will probably make her feel good that she's doing so well!

Sarah Joy said...

You can do it Judy! don't give up!!! My sister in law said they had their son give theirs to someone who needed it. They sent it away in a box and he was all excited to be passing it on. Never had an issue after that.

Heather said...

Hang in there Judy!! The battle you don't fight now is just one you will have to fight later. And can you imagine how much energy you WON'T have once the new little one arrives? I've been there, and no matter what, you just have to stay strong!