Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Home Stretch

When I was pregnant with Christian I was still teaching 5th grade. I had enough sick days to take off work the last 3 weeks of my pregnancy. I remember those three weeks well. I loved them. I sat on the couch all day and pretty much read a book a day. I took naps and watched mindless tv. I remember the sun shining in the windows and the warm breeze blowing the curtains (it was June). It was so peaceful and restful.

The weeks leading up to McKenna's birth were probably some of the least restful of my life. I felt miserable and at that time we were trying to transition Abby and Nate into partime daycare. It was not going well (poor Nate had the worst time). The day I went into labor with McKenna I went and picked up Abby and Nate from daycare at lunch time, then brought them home, fed them and put Abby, Christian & Nate down for naps. Then I called Ryan at work and told him I wasn't waking anyone up until he got home. Ha! I just couldn't handle it anymore (I probably would have been a little more mentally stable if I had actually recognized the fact that I was in labor :)

My life is a little less stressful these days, but there is still never a dull moment. Today McKenna got water inside the DVD player (I know, what in the world?), she smeared yogurt all over Christian's legos and she climbed the shelves of the bookcase (which is not bolted into the wall and oh! my! word!!! we have got to do that) to get something off the top shelf. She told me daddy was going to put me in time-out because I wouldn't let her have a cupcake. She hid under the dining room table eating snacks after I had just told her she could NOT have a snack. She's a fun one!

And she is so excited to have a baby brother!!
She's been practicing her "baby skills" for weeks and weeks now. She asks me everyday if it's time for her brother to come out and play.

Today I installed the baby car seat in my car and yesterday I got the bassinet (that's held Emma, Abby, Christian, Nathan and McKenna so far) washed and ready to go. Bring on the contractions!!! We are ready to go! Oh wait....we still have a few more weeks.
I'm officially moving into survival mode at this point.


Sarah Joy said...

I am so excited for you guys and looking forward to reading all about your survival of the next few week. will be praying you though it!~

Katy said...

isn't funny to think back and remember how different it was with each child? i remember so clearly the time leading up to mckenna's birth...and then the pink eye and flu issues AFTERWARDS! ugh!! praying for a restful last few weeks with "only" two! and i know i've said this before, but i think callie and mckenna would be BEST friends! :)

the mccollums... said...

oh my gosh, reading this post made me break out into hives! ha ha. just kidding, judy! I think just getting through my first baby and her first weeks makes me wonder how I will ever balance more than one child at a time...especially the last weeks of pregnancy and the first weeks of life...whoa, they were much more stressful than I ever anticipated! You moms with more than one are my HEROS!!
I can't wait to see pics of your little man...and your family of 5!!! McKenna is going to seem like such a grown up kid once the baby comes...she will mature over night.
Prayers are with you, friend...your delivery is going to be GREAT!!