I survived my mega glucose test this morning. Was up at 5:45am. At the hospital at 6:30am and then I waited an hour before they even saw me. Really??? They were running late already?? Oh gracious. So the three hour test actually took almost 5 hours, but whatever. I brought tons of stuff to do and planned on using my time wisely. But then I met Stephanie. She's
prego like me and was there for the glucose test and she brought NOTHING to do. I guess her plan was to talk to me the whole time. About an hour into our conversation I decided that maybe that was God's plan for how he wanted me to spend my morning. So I got very little done that was planned, but instead I smiled and chatted and hopefully was a blessing to a stranger.
I have a feeling I have nothing to be worried about with this glucose test. I only failed the first one by one point and I have now heard from tons of different people telling me that it's really not a big deal. So I'm not too worried. I am trying to watch my sugar intake, but Ryan would tell you that I have very little will power. In my defense, it does NOT help when my mom sends all her leftover goodies to my house because she doesn't want to eat them. Who does she think is going to eat that cheesecake at my house?? Certainly not my extremely disciplined husband who wakes up every day at 4:45am just to work out and then skips most lunches so he can go running.
Umm, yeah...he's not the cheese cake eater around here! Can you tell that cheese cake is just a huge weakness of mine?? I could let ice cream sit in the freezer for months, but I could never let a cheese cake go to waste :)
My arm is sore from getting pricked so much and I'm so sleepy, so I might try to take a little nap while
McKenna is snoozing this afternoon. And speaking of naps....Christian just put
McKenna down for her nap. He tucked her in, kissed her and prayed for her. And I'm not even kidding.
Merry Christmas