Monday, December 7, 2009

It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We went ahead and decorated for Christmas even though we're moving on December 23rd (yeah, you read that right!).
McKenna loves the tree and I'm actually thankful that we don't have our regular tree up, because I really could care less what this one looks like. McKenna moves all the ornaments around and since they're all plastic, it's not a big deal!
We decided to go with a fake potted tree because it should be easy for us to pick up and move.
We went to Target and Christian picked out all the ornaments, he set up a train track around the bottom of it and we were done!
I love those sweet little hands that are constantly busy exploring things.

We got this light up little Christmas tree from Hallmark and it's already broken, but it was a big hit while it lasted!
So that's the majority of our Christmas decorations! Simple and child friendly!


Jenn said...

to answer your question....YES! i have so much to blog about and tons of pics from my cruise. i was wondering if i could ask for your assistance :)
i'll write you on facebook messages. thanks a bunch!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what McKenna will do with MY Christmas decorations?

Millicent said...

my kind of tree!! I'm dreading putting one up this year...with a baby and a puppy, it is going to be a mess!!

Anonymous said...

I love McKenna in that red coat. Remind you of any other little girls?

Katy said...

i'm so glad you did the little tree!!!! it looks perfect! :)