Wednesday, November 18, 2009


We finally have our Thanksgiving plans squared away. For those of you who care to know here's the plan:
Ryan will leave after work tomorrow to drive out to Notre Dame for a football game this weekend. His best friend from college is a baseball coach there and he's also going to be meeting up with Zac, so it's guaranteed to be a good time.
The kids and I will then fly to Chicago on Monday afternoon. Ryan will pick us put there and we will all drive (for several more hours) out to the family farm!
That all doesn't sound that complicated, but actually it is. I have to have all of our stuff packet for our trip by tomorrow morning. Ha! I just started. And I've got to think through all these little details like what to do with McKenna's humidifier. Do I send it with Ryan and just do without it here for four days or do I keep it here and just do without it there for five days? It really is a big deal because I honestly believe it is helping to keep her healthy. All she's had so far this fall is a little sniffle and that is a MIRACLE of the Lord! Oh geez...I should probably stop thinking about it and just buy another one. We're getting the kids pictures taken with their cousins while we're in town, so I'm trying to plan out their outfits with my sister-in-law. And then there's the Christmas presents I've been wrapping for the last hour because we always take Christmas with us when we go out for Thanksgiving. I love doing it that way because it spreads things out a bit and usually gives Christian something new to play with on the way home.
So that's the plan!
A lot going on this weekend...we'll be seeing all the cousins on my side of the family for a few hours on Saturday. HipHipHooray!! We haven't all been together since last Christmas! Oh my word I can hardly wait to squeeze everyone! Look out kiddos...Auntie Judy's coming and she's kissing everyone and she just might cry when she sees you too! We also have our annual tree lighting ceremony which is the offical start of the Christmas season for us!
Oh yeah...
in about 30 minutes we are going to look at a house.
I know..yada've heard this before. But seriously this could be it! It's actually not on the market yet. Our realtor was going to list it and asked the sellers if we could see it first before she lists it. It's in a neighborhood, but on three acres! Oh my word we love it and we haven't even been inside. The price is at the top of our budget and that makes me nervous. So we could really use some prayer...remember Ryan leaves tomorrow, so if we're going to make an offer it's got to be tonight. Yikes! So nervous, but excited because it appears to me (from my own human stand point which could be totally off) that this just might have been orchestrated by the Lord. I'll keep you posted on that one. I promise I'll post something tonight if we do make an offer!

Well, I've got to go wake up McKenna so she can go visit her new house! Ha! We'll see about that one! Ohh...I hope it's her new house!


Katy said...

oh wow - that is alot of very exciting things! sounds like this house would be great - if it's your realtor that would be listing it and you can get it before it goes on the market, you could probably save some money, get a good deal out of it! praying over here and will be anxious to hear something tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

Ok...I just got done working (9:30pm)and checked for an update! Hope you made an offer. Hope all is well. Still praying!
