Could someone please tell me where my baby went? She seems to be missing. This big girl showed up and seems to be staying. She talks in sentences and no longer lets her brother get away with anything. She pitches a fit at nap time. She giggles and sings all the time. She feeds herself and tells you when she has to go potty. And if she ever figures out how to open doors...I'm in big trouble!! She opened a baby proof bottle of gummy vitamins tonight, so it's just a matter of time before she figures out door knobs.

And...are you ready for this...she's wearing Abby's old shirt. And it's not Abby's shirt from when she was a baby. No, No! It's Abby's shirt that she left at my house when she moved. It's the 4T shirt that Abby wore when she was 5 years old and
McKenna's wearing it. I had to cuff the sleeves up once and that was it.
But she's still my baby. Still loves to cuddle. Still cries for mommy. Still loves her
binkie and
blankie and
bubu (her cup). And I love her to pieces!

your baby is probably off with my baby - because i only have a BIG girl over here too!
what a pretty girl!
poor mommy! but yay McKenna for accomplishig so many things! WHat a big girl!
I can't believe how grown up she is getting. What a cutie she is!!!
She is so stinkin' cute! They grow so fast......
She is definitely starting to look like a big girl! A cutie pie, too!
I looked at Ben the other night and asked him where our little kids went...Natalie will be 6 in Feb!
she's a sweetie! and she is looking grown up. it's fun to see them grow and sad all at the same time!
J, she looks JUST like you!!! My word, where did the time go?!
And, if that's Abby's shirt, boy do I have the hand-me-downs for you!
Those pictures are priceless, especially the first one. I would love a copy.
I forgot, I agree with Amy. She does look like you.
Don't blink or she'll be 13 and bigger than you!! McKenna is growing up to be a beautiful little girl and she'll always be your baby no matter how big she gets! ^_^
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