When I walked into the gym the site of people laying on tables with blood dripping out of their veins made me feel light headed just looking at it. But I was determined to do this. After all, my husband is a bone marrow donor. This was no big deal. So I answered their little questionnaire, gave the my ID and then got my finger pricked. They prick your finger to make sure you're not anemic and if you are you can't give blood. After waiting a minute or two the results came back. I was anemic! (Yippee)! I mean, darn it! I think I actually told the girl how disappointed I was that I wasn't going to be able to donate and then I grabbed my purse and got outta there. (Note to self- Lying to the Red Cross girl to make yourself feel better is breaking one of the Ten Commandments). This was not one of my shining moments. So, I'm a wimp and a little disappointed in myself. But not to worry, they've got me on their mailing list now! And so that brings us to my first New Years Resolution. I now have 12 months to become a blood donor. Sometime in the next year I'm going to do it. I'm going to take a little iron, take a deep breath, maybe take a little moral support and donate! It's important! It saves lives and one day the generosity of someone else could save mine!
You can do it Judy--- you really can, Phil 4:13 it!And for the iron, I am on it twice a day because I have a strange blood storing issue... my cells are too small to store the right amoutn of iron needed (go figure, me have something strange)! Anyway there is the one that I am using that is so easy on the stomach... doesn't back you up and doesn't make me sick to my stomach... iron seems hard to digest. It is called Ferrosequels, can be found anywhere but I got it at Target.
ok so here's the thing with the Red Cross... you may not really have low iron, they just like to have the iron count waaay up for us to donate. so, they have told me to eat a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter the couple days before giving and you'll be fine. (not really advice that you want to here!) lol ;)
the first time i was dragged into giving my boss took me in! i must say i didn't like the finger prick more than anything else!! i even made her hold my hand while i was giving. now i can't wait for the phone call to give again! and you know what?! they even give pins for the pint amounts you have given ;)
ps, you can do it!!! i'll even go with you!
You are too funny! I'm not a fan of needles either, but I do think the finger prick hurts more, as long as the needle person knows what they're doing!
how is ryan doing by the way? the last i heard he had gone to find out a little more about why he was still having more pain....hadn't heard an update.
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