Monday, August 1, 2011


My scripture for the day:

"Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts!!!!" Isaiah 26:8''

Definitely feeling the need over here to draw closer to the Lord and let him be the desire of my heart! I let life get in the way sometimes. Time to refocus!!!

My scripture for my kids today:

"For we are God's masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works." Ephesians 2:10

Love that word MASTERPIECE!! I want them to always know that they are a masterpiece created by the King of Kings! So they're going to be hearing this verse a couple times today!!


Courtney said...

thanks for these verses, judy! they blessed me greatly!

Katy said...

This is great Judy. And you're right - if we will dwell and meditate on these words - HIS words - they will CHANGE our lives - that's the power in Scripture!!