Sunday, January 18, 2009

Are you wondering...

how the medicine dispensing has been going? Thanks for all your advice!! Definitely helpful! Well, this picture is proof that we took bribery to a whole new level. He got this punching bag after taking just one dose of medicine. I know, totally lame parenting!
But I think we've had a break through. He just need to get past the crying, screaming, kicking, biting, throwing-up, trauma of it all and realize that it really wasn't so bad. So if it took Lightning McQueen to get there, then so be it! On Saturday morning I mixed the medicine in with some super strong orange juice and then told him if he would drink it all he would get a prize. He proceeded to tell me that I could just give the prize to Daddy because he didn't want to drink that "yuck." So I whipped out the best prize I had (the punching bag that was supposed to be a Valentine's Day gift) and once he saw it he couldn't resist. An hour later he had finally downed all of his medicine (yes, it still took him an hour) and he got his prize. We've continued with the prize bribery twice a day but thankfully he settled on a lollipop tonight (a cheaper bribe that makes me quite happy :)


Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Sometimes the end justifies the means! It was more important to get the medicine down a sick little boy than to worry about the "bribe". As you said, all it took was a lolipop to get it down him tonight so I don't think he has been corrupted or anything. So glad you found something that worked and hopefully Christian will be all better soon!

Heidi said...

I like to refer to "bribes" as positive reinforcement- it sounds so much better. :) There comes times when you do what you need to do and he needed his medicine. Glad to hear it's going a little better!