Monday, December 1, 2008

Where do I even begin?

It's been a week since I've been online (other than a little lurking by way of Ryan's blackberry). I just don't even know where to start, I have so much to share.

I guess I should start by telling you that it took us 15 very, very long hours to get home from Illinois. And I might add that my son is the best car traveler ever! We got home around 10pm last night and I left at 5am this morning to head to Maryland to testify. It's been a long couple of days. I'm home now and so thankful to be here. Ready to get my kids back into their schedules. The cousins arrive bright and early tomorrow morning and I've got a lot to do before then!
Thanks so much for thinking of me and praying for me today. I didn't get to read the depositions of those involved in this trial until early this morning (they were sent to my parent's house since I wasn't home at the end of last week). After reading the depositions and finding a few glaring inaccuracy's in the defendant's statements, and after driving over the accident scene three times, and after praying about my testimony for most of my drive to MD, I felt very confident about the statements I was going to make in court. The accident was almost two years ago and I wanted to make sure that I clearing spoke the truth and did not exaggerate anything or let anyone influence my words. I was definitely nervous especially once I realized that three lawyers were going to be questioning and cross examining me, but once I took the stand I was really calm. None of the lawyers really grilled me, they just asked straight forward questions that I was able to easily answer. The trial started at 9:30am and we finally got a verdict around 3:30pm. The person who hit my car was found guilty of being negligent, which was in my opinion the appropriate verdict. This doesn't benefit me in anyway, since I wasn't the one suing, but I do believe that I can finally put the accident to rest. Quite frankly I never want to hear about it again. about stressful! I'm glad it's over and I was pleased with how the day went. It was an amazing life experience (that hopefully I'll never repeat) and I got to spend the day with a dear friend!


the mccollums... said...

Judy, I am so glad that everything went well and this court stuff has come to an all sounds very stressful! I'm glad you are now back at and sound and can get some rest before your company comes tomorrow!! I love the new background!! So pretty...I don't know how you do it are amazing!

the*4*of*us said...

love the new layout! I'm so glad that is over for you!! Get some rest tonight!

Heather said...

I can't begin to imagine the stress! I'm sure you did great. I hope things slow down a bit this next week or so......yeah, I know it's the holidays, ha! I'm glad the accident can be put to rest.
Heather W.

Katy said...

i'm glad this is finally over and behind you Judy! Now you can get some rest, right? :)