Monday, October 24, 2011

Heard Around Here....

Christian: "Fall is a preschool word. Autumn is a kindergarten word."

McKenna: She walked into the living room and saw that Kipper the Dog was on TV. She said, "Oh my word, I haven't seen this show in years and years and years!"


Me: "McKenna do you know who my mommy is?"
McKenna: "Is it Mimi?"
Ha! That's my sister who is just 2 years older than me.
Me: "Nope, it's not Mimi. Think about it for a minute...who do you think was my mommy when I was a little girl?"
McKenna: "Oh I know....Daddy!"

Christian: "There's this boy in my class named Human and whenever I talk to him he just stares at me and doesn't say anything. I think he's shy."
Me: "What is the boy's name?"
Christian: "Human"
Me: "I don't think there's a kid in your class named Human. Let me look at your class list."
A Minute later.
Me: "Christian the boy's name is Newman. No wonder he kept looking at in a strange way!"


millicent said...

HA HA HA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

These are great. I love the one about your mommy.
Your Mommy

Amber said...

That is awesome! Human... still laughing :)