1. I got the "7 Quick Takes" idea from my bloggy friend Leighann. I can't call the idea my own, but I love it! If you haven't read Leighann's blog yet you must! She adorable and witty and has a baby who is a living, breathing, awe inspiring example of the miracle working power of Jesus!
2. If you're popping over here from The Macs blog...welcome! Don't you just love Jess! I would just love to drive to Kansas right now to give her a hug and I know that you probably agree with me that it's been an honor to walk this road with them over the last several months. I just want to clarify that I asked super talented Danielle to do a make-over for the Macs early last year when precious Cora was so sick. My intention was that I would pay for it as a way to bless the Macs, but Danielle just did it all without any compensation. So the Macs blog makeover was ALL Danielle's doing!! But did you notice the blog make-over I gave myself about a week ago...well that's thanks to Danielle too! Danielle sells digital scrap booking kits HERE and all of the cute stuff on my blog came from one of her kits! She is so talented and her stuff is extremely affordable and she's offering some discounts right now...so check out this post for those details.
3. As promised...here's just a few pictures from our extremely windy fieldtrip yesterday. I'm still digging hay out of my purse, but the sky was gorgeous...just crisp white clouds against an intense blue sky. So we're loving fall and loving Christian's preschool class. He's made some very sweet friendships.

"Mom, this is heavy!!"
4. So have I told you what McKenna's been up to???? Her new favorite thing is taking off her diaper! Yup, you heard me right. She can totally undress herself and she always does it at the worst time...like in Target or during nap time when I'm not aware of what's going on. So the laundry has been plentiful and steady around here :) and onesies are the new wardrobe essential!!
5. I just started Beth Moore's Esther Bible Study! And it's great! It's giving me the kind of structure I've been lacking in my quiet times, so I'm really hoping that the next 18 weeks will create some more discipline in my life. I just love Esther...she was always the "princess" story I loved reading in my Bible story books growing up.
4. So have I told you what McKenna's been up to???? Her new favorite thing is taking off her diaper! Yup, you heard me right. She can totally undress herself and she always does it at the worst time...like in Target or during nap time when I'm not aware of what's going on. So the laundry has been plentiful and steady around here :) and onesies are the new wardrobe essential!!
5. I just started Beth Moore's Esther Bible Study! And it's great! It's giving me the kind of structure I've been lacking in my quiet times, so I'm really hoping that the next 18 weeks will create some more discipline in my life. I just love Esther...she was always the "princess" story I loved reading in my Bible story books growing up.

6. And the HOUSE! I've posted a tiny and not so good picture of it below. Thanks so much for praying for clarity for us. We have some HUGE decisions to make this weekend so we do covet your continued prayers. We're going to go for a visit again on Saturday morning and then...I don't know what. But I do know that God has a plan...he knows exactly where he wants us to live...he knows exactly when he wants us to move...he knows who he wants us to have as neighbors...HE KNOWS!!! So today I'm feeling calmer.

7. And last but certainly not least here's a little encouragement for your day:
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6
Are you overflowing with thankfulness?? Hmmm...I definitely am! What are you thankful for today! Let's testify to the goodness of the Lord!

Love the new look!!
We can't wait to go to the pumpkin patch.
Let me know how you like the study, I was thinking of starting it myself, now that life is a little less insane :)
love you and love all of those things! I LOVED doing Esther last year - you are going to totally LOVE it! the 7 scenarios are incredible...and wait til the end when she turns them all around! wish i could be there to do it again with you!! :)
I'm thankful for you, sweet Judy! You are a precious daughter, a gift from God.
Love, Grandmom
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