Friday, October 23, 2009

Road Trip

We've talked about it for years.
It's never worked out...
until now!
We're hitting the road this weekend to travel with Ryan for work.
I am dying to get out of here.
Out of this townhouse.
Away from the constant "house buying" thoughts.
Away from this yucky, rainy weather.
Away from our schedule and laundry and dishes.
It probably won't be much of a vacation.
It definitely won't be for Ryan.
But there will be five nights in a hotel where I don't have to make my own bed.
And there will be five free breakfasts already made for me by those sweet people at Hampton Inn.
And there will be an indoor pool :)
And I won't be cooking or cleaning or hurrying everyone to put on their shoes so we can get to preschool on time.
Okay, okay...
we will be dealing with lots of driving and inevitable meltdowns
BUT I'm prepared!!
New Leapster Game - Check!!
Lots of treats to eat - Check!!
Juice Boxes - Check!!
New DVDs for the car - Check!!
2 new car games Christian has never seen - Check!!
Lots of spare binkies- Check!!
"blankie" - Check!!

Sweet Home Alabama - Here we Come!

P.S. I have no idea if I'll have time for blogging or not! I hope so! The laptops coming with me :)

P.P.S. Don't you just love Reese Witherspoon in that movie??!! She is so adorable and we were born on exactly the same day of the same year. Ugh... she definitely ages better than I do.


Holly said...

Reese has nothing on you, girl! But I do love that soon as it came out, I took a picture of Reese to my hairdresser and said, "Make me look like her." Have fun on your trip.

Katy said...

i'm with you - sometimes you just gotta get a change of scenery!! i wish you were travelling down south though! :)

Jenn said...

yaaaay! so, have a blast... i'll be flying to FL tomorrow and boarding the cruise boat sun :) vacation here i come!!!

heatherlm said...

Have a great time Judy!