Thursday, October 15, 2009

We made an offer :)

After almost a week of intense debate we made an offer on a house. We love, love, love the house. It's more than we ever imagined we could buy and would just be perfect for our family. It's got a bedroom on the first floor which is probably my favorite feature of this house. It would be the perfect playroom. It's also in a neighborhood on almost half an acre. I don't love the neighborhood aspect of it but for various reasons we've decided not to pursue building a house at this point. So we've narrowed our search to existing homes and this is the best deal we've seen so far.
So we made a written offer last night. Now if you know Ryan and I you know that our number one priority is getting a good deal. We do not want to be upside down in something six months from now. So even though the asking price was low we offered them significantly less. What we have on our side is the fact that our offer isn't contingent on anything (we've already sold our house). We can close on the house whenever they want to. So today we feel cautiously optimistic. We haven't heard anything yet and we didn't expect to. We think they'll make a counter offer, but they might not (our bid might have been too low). We will NOT be disappointed if we don't get this house. Both Ryan and I feel complete peace that it's out of our hands and that God knows where he wants us to live.

But I will tell you that all day I've been thinking about what color to paint this room and wondering what I'm going to put in it since I don't have a dining room table. I'm sure Christian will have some sort of fort or train track constructed in there in no time and that sounds just about perfect to me.

Dreaming about paint color in this room too :)


Heidi said...

Excited to hear the outcome! Good luck!!

Holly said...

I can't wait to see how it turns out. This is a big step...I'm sure you're anxious to hear something, but you're right...God knows exactly where you are meant to be and it will happen in His timing. Keep us posted! Oh...and if you need some paint sample pots, just let me know. I have a million of them ( least 20-30). You know I'm addicted to paint samples :)

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for u guys and I hope that what ever is suppose to happen will happen.