Christian and McKenna were going to go on a trip today.
I'm not sure where they were going, but they were packing up a bunch of stuff in the playroom and they kept asking me if Will could go with them. They wanted to put him in the baby doll stroller. I told them he wouldn't fit and that it was made for dolls and wasn't safe for babies. But they persisted (imagine that!) so I sat Will in the baby doll stroller just to prove my point.
Poor Will wasn't so sure about it at first.
Poor Will wasn't so sure about it at first.
His sister thought it was the greatest thing ever and was ready to take him for a spin (which did NOT happen).
And pretty soon that chubby little guy thought all the attention was pretty funny.
His poor little body was practically sandwiched in that stroller. Will ya look at thatbelly smile!!
His poor little body was practically sandwiched in that stroller. Will ya look at that

that's a RIOT!! poor little baby is too big for that litle baby stroller!! what a story! I am curious where mckenna was planning on taking him! :)
love that!!!! he's changed so much just since I've seen him last!!
Oh Gosh Judy...he is too cute for words!
He is WAY too cute! In that last picture he looks a little like Nathan. Anna :)
I think Will looks a lot like Nathan! Cutie!
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