Sunday, January 10, 2010

La-dee-da....just a bunch of randomness!

Well, I know exactly what I've got to get McKenna for her birthday that is quickly approaching...dress up clothes! She loves to dress up and has no official dress up clothes. No cute shoes or hats or dresses. So instead she'll find a winter had, a sweater and one of Christian's Rescue Hero gloves and many times she'll have on one of Christian's crocs or one of my slippers and that's what she parades around the house in.
And her absolute favorite pastime is pushing her babies or stuffed animals in her baby doll stroller. Christian loves to line the strollers up and have stroller races with her. It gets pretty wild, but we finally have a circle in the house(you know what I mean?) that they can race around.

And here is one of Christian's creations that he made at his Handy Manny Tool Bench. It's a bird house and he did it all by himself.
And just so you know...after this weekend, our house will look nothing like it does in these pictures. I've been painting! Can't wait to show you.


Katy said...

i promise you - after you buy her some dress up clothes, she will STILL put on whatever she finds!!! :) stroller races are the BEST!!! :)

Bethany said...

where did you find the Caillou dolls that were in a previous post?

Christina said...


I got Austin Handy Manny kits as part of his Christmas presents. I got them at Toys R Us. I thought you might want to look into them for Christian. It's a boat and race car. They come with a blue print and tool and the kids put them together. The nice thing is the pieces aren't too small and are plastic not metal.

Jenn said...

I looooove it!! thank you thank you thank you soooo much! that's the boost i needed to kick me back onto the blogging world :) now with no job, i can post and maybe...just maybe catch up on a few from the summer!!