Sunday, September 13, 2009


Home is a rather confusing word these days. Since we still have our old house and we still spend a decent amount of time there, the kids are constantly confused when I say "we're going home." It's usually followed up by Christian asking "Which home?" We still have a lot of work to do at our old home. But we wrapped up a lot of it this weekend. The other night I sat in Christian's old room and cried and cried as I let so many sweet memories roll through my mind. Memories of painting his room when I was 6 months pregnant and of rocking my sweet baby and praying for him and his first night in his big boy bed and the night he threw up & slept in it (ha! just had to include that one). Yes, so many good sweet memories.But we're making memories in our "new temporary home" too. This picture was taken at dusk, but that's my view from my kitchen table. Aren't those mountain's beautiful. There is just something about a mountain view that points my heart to my creator! I love that.

And this is inside :) It's a work in progress. Every time I get everything in it's place it gets ruined because I go to the "old house" and get more boxes of stuff that need a place and I'm just running out of places.

And I had to include a picture of the stairs. That's the first ten. Then you turn the corner and there's five more. Then you walk down the hall to find another mini flight of five, then you turn the corner and there's ten more. I'm already getting used to it, although I only go all the way up to Christian's room a few times a day.

So we're adjusting. Christian just said to me tonight that he wants to go "home" (meaning our old house) and I asked him what he missed and he said "I just want to sleep in my baseball room." So we started talking about the new room he's going to get one day and what color he would like to paint it what he wants it to look like. He currently wants a Thomas room. I would like to avoid that because he's probably not going to want that in two years, but we'll see.


And just in case you were wondering...preschool is going great. Christian loves it and I love it! I adore his teachers. It's his snack day tomorrow and he can hardly wait. He's bringing fruit snacks. That's healthy, right? It's supposed to be healthy, but Christian really wanted to bring fruit snacks. Oh well. We're also bringing some cheese crackers. And McKenna...well she's just busy taking off her clothes at inopportune moments throughout the day. Thankfully Christian usually sounds the alarm when the diaper comes off too. I think I'm going to have to start making that girl wear onesies all the time, although she'd probably figure out how to get that off too :)


Katy said...

i still can't believe those stairs - that's ridiculous!! you're doing such a great job staying on top of the whole "several houses" thing - amazing. christian will enjoy setting up his new room in the new house - my kids loved taht part. maybe you could convince him just to pick out some new thomas sheets or something.

Becki S said...

I love the view! Leaving is always hard, but you'll soon make memories in your new "home", too. Glad to hear that preschool is going well. Fruit snacks definitely count as "healthy" in preschool! ^_^