Sunday, November 21, 2010

Social Networking

A funny thing happened this weekend...

McKenna and Christian were goofing around in the basement and McKenna fell and somehow cut that little flap of skin that connects your lip to your gum. (Obviously this is not the funny part of this story). There was screaming and lots and lots of blood. It's always a little scarey when you don't know what happened and you can't exactly figure out where the blood is coming from. Christian was super traumatized and kept asking McKenna over and over again to forgive him, to which she just looked at him and screamed. When we finally figured out where the injury occurred my first thought was to call a doctor friend (he was hunting) and then I thought about calling the pediatrician. I am not the kind of mom to just rushes off to the ER over stuff like this, but I wasn't sure if it should be stitched back or not.

And so I did what any normal 2010 mom would do. I jumped on Facebook, explained what happened in my status update and waited for other moms to tell me what to do. Within 20 minutes I had 9 comments from people who had first hand experience with similar injuries. One friend even called her sister who is a dental hygienist. Wow, the power of social networking! It's really got me thinking....I mean I chose facebook over the pediatrician! What in the world? Hopefully I wouldn't do that about anything super seriously but this age of technology is remarkable. We have the ability to be connected so quickly. And the funny thing is that all these little comments that people left for me on Facebook comforted me way more than any doctor could have because they came from moms, who loved their kids, who had the exact same thing happen.

I know lots of people think social networking is evil (and if you don't use wisdom is certainly can be). But I'm just not one of them :)

Oh and McKenna seems to be fine. She still talks about her booboo. I was actually really proud of her. There was a ton of blood and she was very calm about it (considering the fact that she's 2). Christian probably would have passed out! She's one tough cookie. I probably should start brushing her teeth again. We took a little break there for awhile to let things heal, but I might regret that pretty soon!

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