We found out that one of McKenna's tubes has come out of her ear drum. I was so disappointed, I almost cried. Those tubes have been the best thing we've ever done. I am so sad that they didn't last longer. I am convinced that they are the reason we barely went to the doctor this winter. The tube is still down in her ear, just not in her ear drum. I think it might be bugging her because I've seen her pull on that ear. The doctor told me not to worry about it, so I'm going to let it go for a week or two, then call the ENT if it doesn't want to come out on it's own. Any advice on that one? Have any of you had a child with a tube in their ear, but not their ear drum?
The other big news it that they referred McKenna to an Ophthalmologist to have her eyes checked. McKenna is extremely sensitive to light and it might just be the way she is or it might be an underlying issue. She has to wear a hat and sunglasses anytime we're outside. She complains of it being too "sunny" in the house sometimes. We take a pillow in the car just so she can cover her head if the sun happens to be shining in her window. So we're going to be safe and have it checked out. That should be interesting. I have no idea how they're going to look in her eyes and actually have her cooperate, but we're going to give it a shot.
And then there are McKenna's continuing belly issues. For those of you who are interested (Which it surprised me how many of you have had similar issues or know someone who has...I'm glad I blogged about it b/c I can't even tell you how many people have asked for my advice now on the subject. Which I don't really have any great advice b/c we still haven't worked it out. I guess it's not something mommies ever really talk about, which I sort of understand). McKenna is now taking a prescription stool softener. She's been on it for a month and we haven't seen much improvement, but we are increasing the dose and our problems should disappear. I hope! We've been dealing with this DAILY since February. The med. she's on is called Lactulose. It's not something that her body become dependent on, so we can stop it cold turkey anytime. It's not a laxative. Putting a child on a laxative would not be a great idea. I've had more than one doctor tell me that, just so you know. They have said not to potty train until all these issues are resolved. We are sort of toying around with the idea of potty training. McKenna got a new princess potty seat, but she pretty much just carries it around the house. One of these days we'll actually use it!!! And I should also say that we watch McKenna's diet. She eats lots of fruits and veggies. She adores cereal, so she's getting tons of fiber. She hasn't eaten a banana in awhile b/c bananas and white starchy foods are things that are not good for her to have at this point. She also shouldn't be eating a lot of cheese, but we cheat on that one. She loves cheese!
Was that just an overload of TMI??? Probably, but that's the latest and now it will be recorded forever when I make my blog book. McKenna's just going to love that, isn't she??! Ha!
I love my sweet cuddle bug so much! And am so thankful that despite some of the issues she's been having she is delightful and full of joy all the time!
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