Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Last week

Monday: McKenna had a playdate :)

Monday: Grocery shopping. McKenna wanted to get her picture by these Angry Bird fruit snacks so she could show them to Christian (since we did not buy them).

Tuesday: Gorgeous day. We worked outside in the yard and cleaned out the playhouse!

Tuesday: Christian declares that this guy looks like Daddy.  So we texted Daddy and he agreed!

Wednesday: We had our first corn on the cob of the year. It was pretty good!

Wednesday: Christian even ate it. Shocking!!!!!!!

Thursday: Author's Tea!

Thursday: Baseball game!

Friday: Field trip to the landfill. It was a Magic School bus kind of trip. The bus actually drove us up on top of the mountain of trash. It was pretty cool.

Friday: Field trip continued...we headed to the local park to pick up trash and eat lunch and play of course. This picture of is of Christian with his two best buddies.

Friday: Baseball game...again

Friday: McKenna's favorite thing to do at the games is dig in the mud, gravel or dirt. But on Friday we planned things out a little better and she colored for awhile before returning her her dirt digging.

Saturday: Playdate with a friend!

Saturday: McKenna and I made cupcakes and then set up a "toppings bar" so that they could add anything they wanted to the top of the cupcakes.
The end.


Katy said...

Sounds like QUITE a week!!! :) esp love the pic by the angry birds fruit snacks - I bet they weren't on sale and you didn't have a coupon!! :)

Anonymous said...

I like the Tuesday comment with the Lego guy that looks like Ryan. Hilarious!