This is for all of you who have blogs with blogger and it probably only applies to you if you've had a blog that's updated frequently for quite awhile.
So do any of you "blogger" bloggers pay Goggle for storage????
Goggle keeps telling me that I need to pay $20 a year for storage (I guess to store all my pictures on their website since I have thousands of them on here). I ignored their pleas for money and nothing bad seems to have happened, but now I'm nervous that my precious blog is going to disappear. Help???? Do you pay google for storage?????
I have Google storage because my pictures exceed the limit that blogger can store... I personally think they should up the limit on blogger but since that wasn't going to happen I sucked it up and paid for the storage. I only pay $5 a year though.
I exceeded my limit about two years ago. So I pay $5 per year to get another gig or something of storage, which I don't even come close to using up. Worth it to me for sure!!!
same as katy. paid $5 once...
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