Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Y'all Ready for this???

I told you big stuff was going on with this boy and I wasn't kidding!

Check out the lack of training wheels on that bike!

And he seriously goes so makes me very nervous. But no wrecks on record yet!

Look at that face full of joy and victory!

So how did this happen?
Daddy mentioned to Christian that he needed to get rid of the training wheels before he turns 5.
Christian said "ok" and wanted them off immediately.
So off they came.
Daddy got quite a work-out running behind Christian for an hour or so.
And pretty soon daddy was running farther and farther behind him.
And Christian realized that he could do it without daddy and the rest is history.
Chrish is still having a hard time getting started on his own.
He can't seem to get the hang of balancing the bike in order to take off, but it will happen...hopefully soon.

Oh my. He pulls out his own teeth. He rides a bike with no training wheels.

Up next....we're going to get rid of that thumb (not literally...we are just going to work on not sucking it anymore).


Millicent said...

YAY Christian!!!! Wyatt did that at the same age. I can't get Natalie to even consider it...boys are definitely more daring!!

Heidi said...

Way to go Christian! Your going to need to go for a bike ride with my boys!! We still haven't lost any teeth though.

Katy said...

He is such a big boy - the thumb won't be far behind. He's going to love that he can do all this big boy stuff by himself now! :) So exciting! :)

paintit4u said...

Way to go, Christian! Bike riding and pulling out your own teeth. Very cool. Aunt Anna :)

Anonymous said...

WooHoo!!!! Way to go Christian!! What an exciting accomplishment.
