Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Too funny not to share

Okay, this story took place over a month ago at Christian's preschool graduation, but I just had to share. I mainly want this recorded so I don't forget and it's definitely one of those stories that could be shared at his wedding one day just to embarrass him.

The night before preschool graduation we were at my parent's house. I was helping my dad with a few things and before we knew it, it was past 9:00pm. I knew we wouldn't have time for baths when we got home, so my mom gave the kids a quick bath at her house. She sent Christian home in a big t-shirt since she didn't have a change of clothes for him. When he got home he put on some pjs and went straight to bed.

The next morning we were in a hurry!!! I laid out Christian's clothes and he got dressed by himself. We were out the door and arrived at the program just as Grandmom and PopPop were getting there. Christian found his seat in the front and Ryan arrived just as the program was starting.

Christian was thrilled to have a whole row of people there to support him and when he went up on stage he kept looking at us (not his teacher) and he kept wiggling around. He kept "adjusting" his pants and quite frequently put his hands down his pants. I was about to crawl under my seat. What I really wanted to do was run up on stage and tell him to keep his hands out of his pants, but I couldn't really do that during the program. Then a light bulb went off in my head and it occurred to me that he might not be wearing underwear.

A few whispers down the row confirmed that my mom did not put underwear on him the night before because she didn't have any. She figured I would put it on him at bedtime, which I did not. I didn't know he didn't have underwear on so I also didn't lay out any for him to wear on the morning of the program. Now you would think that a four year old would realize that he was missing his underwear, but not my son!

So instead of listening to Christian's sweet singing voice during the program, I was mentally willing him to please keep his hands in appropriate places. Ugh!!! Only I would put my son up on stage in front of a crowd of people with no underwear on! It was not one of my finer moments. Hopefully all the other parents were too busy watching their own kids to notice what my kid was doing!

And next year, I will be doing an underwear check before leaving for any event which requires Christian to be on stage!

The end.


Vicky said...

Thanks for a good laugh! Love to you and your sweet family, Vicky

Holly said...

Oh that is so funny! Makes me feel better about the time I sent Kate to church in a dress and no underwear. We were potty training and in a hurry to get to church and no one noticed that we forgot to put her pull-up back on. Of course, her teachers kindly told us that our sweet girl was flashing the whole class that day! Nice!