Saturday, March 8, 2008


Now Christian and I have a stomach bug! We just can't catch a break. I am soooo sick of being sick and I'm longing for healthy warm days. It would also be nice to go to church again (haven't been in a month) or have a play date (hasn't happened since Dec.) or just be around people (doctor's and nurses don't count) in general!! Sorry for all the negativity, but this just stinks!


the*4*of*us said...

oh girl! We had that one (avoided the flu so far) and it was nasty...but it only lasted a day or so. So we'll pray for quick recovery!!!!

Heather said...

Are you kidding me? You really can't catch a break! There's some nasty stuff going on around here too, so I've been laying low trying to stay healthy. I'm sending healthy vibes your way.

Heather said...

Are you kidding me? You really can't catch a break! There's some nasty stuff going on around here too, so I've been laying low trying to stay healthy. I'm sending healthy vibes your way.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe you are sick again :( I am praying for a speedy recovery and HEALTHY days ahead. And that the rest of the fam doesn't get it

Sarah Joy said...

ohhh... I am so with you on this Judy! Rigth now I am down to just the baby being sick bu the is so sick, it is breaking my heart. And I am SO tired. Getting tired of being sick and tired, ha! You are in my prayers, especially as I have been up during the night with Scott.

Heather R said...

I am SO sorry you guys are sick again!! I just want to hear that all is well with everyone in your house. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers always. Love ya!

Katy said...

Praying that it's just a bug and you can get rid of it QUICK!!!!!