Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I just checked the last thing off McKenna's Kindergarten Readiness checklist. She's ready to roll. She asked me if she could go tomorrow. Thankfully we get to wait a few more months.

Will is also learning so much lately. Just today he got all his train track out and built a train track all over the floor all by himself. Then he came and got me and kept saying "look" while he was pulling my hand. It's the first time he's ever come to me so show me something. He got the funniest grin on his face when I cheered and hugged him because his track was so amazing.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe he's almost two. He is such a precious boy.

holly said...

Can you send me the list? I suspect Ellie still has a lot to master : ) It seems the teacher's kids are always ahead of the game : ) Yay for McKenna!